John Travolta Never Looked Better

At Dana’s suggestion I managed to find this on Youtube (a friend sent it to me as a movie file) and thought you might all find it as amazing and amusing as i did.

They say a Dog is Man’s Best Friend, well this shows Dogs like women too – particularly as dance partners…



Let’s see a Cat do THAT! 🙂


  1. Thanks for posting that! Yes, dogs are amazing creatures, and great dance partners as well, it seems =).

    The dog did better than my husband would have (he always says he only has rhythm from the waist up =), but then I probably wouldn’t have done as well as the lady either. (We were both ‘dance deprived’ growing up–against our ‘religion’, ya know =).

    Thanks for sharing. Jasper might have a chance of learning to dance, but Bruin…well, you know what they say about ‘old dogs…’



  2. That’s amazing!! I thought my dog was incredible. It would take forever to teach her how to do that – of course – I was never allowed to dance myself, so I’d need to be taught first. 😆


  3. I think dogs have a similarity to humans in that it is truly amazing what a little love and dedication (kind discipline) can bring out in them both that goes far beyond what the ‘norm’ (i.e. most of the rest who sit around bitching and bellyaching and wishing and wanting instead of doing) ever achives on their own.

    Michelle and D i’m sure your dogs ARE incredible and i don’t think it would take as long as you might feel.

    But like humans – they all have their own unique ‘talents’ and it is probably best we encourage them to bring their own out – and also ours in us. 🙂

    We all have much to give.


  4. aaaaaaahahahahahah That was hilarious!!!

    Now Love, where’s that BIG picture of you! I may be young, but my eyes can’t see that little picture well enough! 😯 haha!!


  5. D – I don’t think so, but anything’s possible – i did not find out i had two half brothers until i was 37 or so! 😮

    Hey Brandy, I thought my pic was ‘Brandy’ size? 😉

    and Tam, just so’s you know (like you don’t alrady?) 🙂 but ‘for the record’: There’s NO WAY i’d ever believe you were being hostile to me – not since your very first comment on Brent’s log anyways hee-hee!


  6. adorable? awww schucks! 🙂

    Yah. The “related links” thing. i DON’T like that at all!!!

    i’m protesting WP.

    be afraid people.

    be very afraid.



  7. awww Michelle, bless your heart, you are shorter than me. 😉 I’m 5’6″ but I am the shortest person in my family and my husband is 6’3″ so I look really short next to him. 😆

    We are short redheads, we should stick together. 😆 hahahaha!!


  8. and from your pic it looks like you have short hair too. 😉 I am addicted to short hair and have the HARDEST time growing mine out. I’m itchin for a hack job right now on it. 😉


  9. McCrappies….hahahaha!!

    Maybe I am 5’6″ with heels on?? I don’t know. I don’t let anyone measure me anymore. haha

    It’s bad enough my YOUNGER sister is taller than me. 😯


  10. Love, great video. I just spent the day with may cousine and her five cats. I couldn’t get a cat to move off a chair let alone dance. They allow my cousine to live with them. As long as she feeds them and changes the litter box.

    I may be at the point in life where I think I am beginning to shrink. I was 5’10” and now I am 5’9 1/2″.

    I weigh the same but my waistline went up an inch this year so I guess I am getting squished by age. 🙂


  11. Ed – 5 cats? – Oh Man, that’s sad (for you) Mucho empatico! I hear ya big time on who owns who in a cat/person relationship. You are the first one to comment on my ‘provocative’ last line comment – thanks for that! 🙂

    We also may just have more in common on the height vs weight dealy too?

    Last time i looked i was 6 ft even, in my socks. (Ok Tam – it’s probably 5 ft 11 and 7/8ths – happy now?? ;-))


  12. Mornin’ Tam, Brandy – you comment-ho
    gs you! 😉

    i love waking up to those – sets my day off right! 😀

    Hey Bran, – 5’6″?? you are a Giant! – well, compared to my Mum anyways 🙂

    No more ‘sized’ jokes from me – i’m saving those for Michelle now 😉

    Good things come in small packages – right, M? 😉 )

    HL4M – it only shows on our comments – not on the original post??? and no way are Mandy and I ‘conspiring’… Tam on the other hand….? 😉


  13. are trying to imply Brandy and I are comment “ho”s? Is that why you separated ho/gs? Hmmm….I might have to get on you ’bout that one Mister~

    If good things come in small packages (short) then what comes in tall ones?


  14. Brent to the rescue. this is how we get rid of “related links”

    go to your Dashboard.

    select “design”

    select “extras”

    then check the box that says “hide related links”



  15. Love, you will find this amusing, liking numbers and all. Jake just said he had a “half of a half of a bottle of tequila left” and I said “you mean a quarter?” and he said “huh, oh yeah”



  16. Brandy – 5′ 6″!!! That’s tall around here. My husband is 5′ 4″ but a giant in my eyes! 😉

    Love – Dynamite comes in small packages – that’s the way I always heard it! 😆

    Tam – So what’s the deal, did Brandy grow up around you – are y’all sisters – or are these questions you’re not suppose to ask on public blogs? Seems y’all have quite a history…


  17. Michelle,

    Brent and Tam were like “surrogate parents” to me when I was in high school. 😀 I met them at church and they were leading a high school group, one I happened to be in. I spent so much time at their house when I was a teen I should have been paying rent. 😉 Also, Kass and Kota were just BABIES when I met them and I babysat, housesat, hung around (probably too much now that I look back-but they always made me feel welcom!) and basically leaned on them through a lot. Their kids were my flower girl and ring bearer and Brent sang at my wedding.
    Now matter how far, I’ll always have a special place in my lil heart for them. 😀


  18. Yes Love, my math skills leave a lot to be desired! 😆 Right now all that matters is that I can keep a good bank book! haha 😆

    You had red hair love?! Ahhh, little red headed love! hahaha!


  19. Brent and I used to lead the High School group when our church TRF first started. Brandy was a part of that. She was a very youngin’! 9th grade, maybe 10th. She used to watch our kiddos all the time for us. She was their favorite sitter! they still love her! They were in her wedding! Our little girl is all grown up. We really have always considered her ours. We were like her “other” parents. It was our joy and is one of our best memories!

    But she’s short.

    so that kind of ruins it


  20. So all y’all must be tall people – like Nordic folk? I’m into ancestry.

    Phat and I used to work with youth – we loved it!! Had some hanging out at our house too. It’s fun to watch them grow – short? 5’6″?? How tall are you??


  21. YES Vinny sings. Plays piano, guitar, writes. He is a Music/Worship, all things tech Pastor. Pastor? Weird title for that stuff. Anyways…yes. every weekend when we’re gone from blogging we’re singing our hearts out to the Lord. I get to be right next to B and serve along side him. its very cool and special.


  22. Tam I was cracking up b/c we basically typed out the same thing at the same time. 😀

    Michelle, Brent and Tam were extremely hospitable to all. 😀

    Love, you REALLY didn’t know??? That is awesome only b/c I take for granted that not everyone knows that I guess. SO FUNNY. Have you never read B’s posts about being a worship leader?

    Okay now, EVIL TWIN??????? 😯


  23. HAHAHAHA!!!!

    “I ammmm my ooooown grandmother!” haha I can just hear that in church on a Sunday! 😆

    NO NO NO that is NO indication whatsoever of how our beloved Tam sings. 😀 Promise. 😀 She is very deep and sultry. heehee Seriously though, beautiful voice!

    Hey! Maybe she and B could sing us a song and post it?????? Now THERE’S an idea! 😀


  24. I thought that’s what y’all did – my Dad was a music minister and my mom played the piano. We all grew up singing together, but that was way before contemporary worship styles came into vogue. We were more along the lines of the Gaithers – the 70’s.

    My music training is more classical – always wanted to have a more stylistic approach. 😉


  25. i knew B was a worship leader – just didn’t realise that included HIM being a singer? Wow!

    I’m my own Grandmaw! i rmember that video! lol

    Brandy, i think your video idea is a winner! keep that in mind Tam – y’hear?


  26. We love music. We’re always singing it or playing instruments around here.

    Michelle, do you play an instrument?

    Perhaps sing with that cute lil Texan Twang?

    Brandy, thanks!!! Your check is in the mail. you’re making bank tonight!!!


  27. I picked up on the move, Bran…is it your first one away from friends and family??

    Go with the video, I would love to hear y’all sing together!!! DO IT – DO IT – DO – IT!!! 😆


  28. SAWEEEET! ChaChing! hahaha!! In that case….

    Tam is like a gorgeous super model standing up on stage and from her mouth comes a sound only angels can make at the gates of heaven and when you hear her sing you will find yourself completely entranced by her beautiful voice.

    How’s that? Do I get a bonus? 😆 heehee


  29. I play the piano – started out as a Music major – planned on being a music minister…I sing mezzo-soprano. Not much control these days – if you don’t use it, you lose it. 😦


  30. Michelle, no this isn’t my first move from fam and friends. I got married at 19 😯 and moved to Missouri where he was first stationed. We were there for 3 years and then moved home one month after having our first boy. We were back home for almost 4 years and are now here in ND. 😀


  31. Michelle, do you still play the piano?

    Soprano? High stuff scares me. I hate having to sing unison with Brent. I usually drop an octave from female melody. Otherwise I’ll pass out 😐


  32. Bran – Are you used to cold weather? Isn’t Oregon, on the west side of the mountains, kinda rainy – or do y’all get lots of snow?!

    So your guy is little? Mine are all teenagers.


  33. Love you kill me evertime! haha!! You lucky dog you! 😉

    Tam, just have someone record a song on sunday with that video camera (or whatever) and then post it. That’d be the best. 😀


  34. Michelle, I have THREE little guys. 😀 My oldest turns 4 on Monday, my middle boy is 2.5, and my baby boy is 9 months old. 😀 😀 😀

    Oregon has rainy pockets, but So.Oregon isn’t bad. It has four seasons. 😀 And it’s not that cold here in ND yet. Cold, but nothing horrible. 😀 They “say” Spring is on the way at some point. haha 😆


  35. Medium voice soprano – can’t get higher than an a high E – anymore. I usually sing alto, these days…

    I still play the piano – but just for my own enjoyment – performing has long past for me.

    Love – go take that shower!! 🙄


  36. M- we actually only get about 19 inches of rain here. So its not so bad. Lots of snow in the surrounding areas. lots of mountains around us. All around us in fact. nice climate really. Although i prefer beach weather. Im waiting for Love to adopt me 😉


  37. Yes Love, I love a good challenge as well and I am BAD loser. 😳 We will get B to do that post, or else he will never hear the end of it! haha!

    Tam, where is B btw????? He couldn’t be sleeping or anything. 😆


  38. Three boys and the oldest is 4!!! Wow!! You must have lots of energy – what a blessing! 🙂

    It will be solid ice in a few short months – enjoy the warmth while you can.


  39. I dont blog ON the potty – I just happen to mention it. too much apparently. Mandys a bit irritated with me on that. I guess she never potty’s


  40. Michelle, I actually don’t have a lot of energy anymore, they’ve sucked it out of me. 😆

    I had them all very close and very fast b/c I am a HORRIBLE pg lady and I wanted to do it while I had family around. I was racing the clock I guess you could say. 😉


  41. I’m with You B – Brent can’t hold out against t both of us for long!

    Michelle – i’m ‘better now’ Just don’t go lying across any piano’s ok?

    Tam – i TRULY did not realise that was an ‘option’ – where do i get the ‘papers’?? ( Do i have to adopt Brent and Kass and Kota too? 🙂 )


  42. Sounds like a good way to do it…Mine are all three years apart. One in college, one in high school, and one in middle school – suck the energy right out of you?? I know what you mean. 😉

    Love, do you have a significant other? any children?


  43. It’s a good way as far as being done and over with it. 😆 I never want to be PG again. EVER. 😆

    It is VERY hard now, in fact some days are downright awful b/c the ages they are right now, they fight A LOT, but when they get older I can only hope and pray that they will all be close. 😀


  44. you ladies ARE fast on the typing finger!

    AM currently Divorced Michelle – we did not have kids which given the ending of our marriage was probably very fortunate for all concerned…

    I am seriously considering adopting 4 however – they come in a package – apparently? 🙂


  45. They will be close – very close – and love eachother forever, once they get in high school and beyond. Until then, hold on tight!!

    50 lbs the first time – 55 the next – 60 the last time – on a 5 foot frame!!! You wanna talk about whales a cruise liners?? Girls!! I got you taken!! 😆

    So how’s all the talk about fat ladies doing ‘ya, Love? 😉


  46. Bran -look for the photo at the top – it is NOT about being PG ( i thought that was parental Guidance the first three times you wrote it! sheesh!) and i am curently ‘available’ Michelle – you got a sister?? 😉 lol


  47. Wow, four? That is an awesome decision to make…you must love kids. I always wanted 10 but my body gave out – I then wanted to adopt, but Phat said ‘no’ – he was right, I wouldn’t have had enough energy.

    I’m sorry to hear about your divorce, but I do agree, in that case, it was probably best children didn’t have to go through a separation like that. 😦

    Don’t mean to get heavy – it just comes naturally for me…


  48. Love, I think I found it but the pic won’t show up. Hmph.

    Parental Guidance? haha! heehee

    Love, I got a cute Mom who is almost available. hahaha!!!! Funny story about that…. at Jake’s work functions when he was recruiting, these “older” men would be “hitting” on me, all in fun of course since Jake was right there, and then they’d ask how old I was (26) and I’d ask how old they were (fourties) and I’d say “OH! My mom is your age” and you should SEEEEEEE their faces. heehee I always loved doing that. 😀


  49. Jake is watching “Man VS Wild” and this guy just ate a fish STRAIGHT OUT OF THE WATER. Held up a LIVE FISH to his mouth and started eating the side of it!!! IT WAS MOVING!!!!!!!!!


  50. m’ – story of my life – always just too late! – I hope and aim not to be with THE One True Love of my life though – Jesus! 🙂

    Bran – i can SO see your mischievous grin when you were ‘there’ 🙂 Your Mom single?? lol


  51. Sorry to hear it Bran – for her and your sake -but i guess there is a ‘good’ side too huh? and Michelle has it exactly right – it never hurts to ASK (only to ask) the answers are up to those you ask and we then respect those!


  52. LOL – actually i hapen to know that e-mail stalker had meant to send his email about an hour ago but didn’t finish off his spell-check because he suddenly got a bunch of comment Ho gs on his blog he had to answer and be in heaven with! 🙂


  53. Michelle, I LOVE your personality. You keep us grounded. i definitely have my serious moments. But i adore being funny. or trying to at least. Sometimes people see it as being shallow or not deep. but oh well. I know who i am.

    I think you’re perfect M!!!!


  54. I believe Tam was only partially joking ‘Chelle’ she does it a lot.. can you all talk amongst yourselves for a time – i have to post Brandy a pic from Alece’s blog -?

    I meant would you mind if i left for 5 – i KNOW you CAN talk amongst yourelves – BOY can you talk! 😉


  55. I’m here…I love your ability to joke around. I married a jokester and am so glad I did. I just am not any good at it.

    Shallow? Then no one has really listened, have they?


  56. I was emailing Love. 😉 haha Go check that btw. 😉

    Michelle and Love, my mom and my STEPdad are divorcing, although this divorce is harder to take than her and my dad. They will both be happier apart though. For sure. 😉


  57. It’s 1:00 am in my time zone, I never stay up this late. Making it to church in the morning will not be easy and tomorrow Stuart Briscoe is teaching – Fabulous!!

    ‘Nite all…it’s been funtastic!! 😆


  58. Humo(u)r got me through my childhood. I use to use it as a mask. But having been freed from my past and guilt and shame – I embraced my funny bone again. I married the two. I may not balance that well sometimes. but im learning


  59. Love and Tam, I’ll leave you two be…. O is nursing and that makes typing difficult. 😉 Plus it is late here as well. 😉

    This has been TOOO much fun! Love you guys! ****KISSES****


  60. OK – One last word, I have experienced Tam’s depth and she has blessed me with sharing bits of her thinking…I love making new friends who don’t mind sharing, who are real…y’all have proven to be all that and I am very grateful all y’all have accepted me into your little blogging community.

    Sincerely – I feel blessed. Bran, if you ever walk to talk serious, my blog is all about that stuff – it takes all kinds, and I’m definitely on the serious side – it’s just me, and as Tam said, I’m OK with who I am…

    Thanks, Love, you are a great host. 😉


  61. this reminds me of jr high couples on the phone..

    “you hang up first.”

    “no. YOU hang up first!”

    “K. let’s hang up th same time.”

    “ok. you first!”



  62. right! i’m just waiting. B has been a little busy helping me and another gal put a video together…OOOO – some fun is coming your way!


  63. So for post requests we have
    1) Brent and Tam singing
    2) Love making these comments into a post.


    You and Mandy…is that the “other gal?” haha! This outta be fun! 😆


  64. I mentioned the singing thing to B. He laughed! Wha!!! 😯

    Bran – did you say “Love Making” these comments into a post?



  65. Ok i can do the blog post ( or email maybe?)

    Tam – could you do the Hair-twirl and eyelid batting you know how to do SO well on Vinny while Bran and I hanrangue (love) him into putting up a Brent and Tam Duet video??? Pretty Please???? 🙂


  66. It was a “Why in the world would they want that?!?!” Kind of laugh…

    ya know…it would be kinda fun to put a duet up. Why not. people know we’re tight like that 😉


  67. maybe so. it would be fun 😉

    ok- im really going now. I have nothing left. im starting to thing of pancakes and washing my car.

    love you mucho grande!!!!


  68. It IS getting late – so i’ll be ‘kind’ – and self-sacrificing – and say goodnight to you and Vinny for real now! 🙂


    As for not seeing it – look to your email inbox! 😉

    I’m not gonna repeat it here! 😯

    <B U 🙂


  69. OK! Fine! Make me out to be a liar on my own Blog – i don’t mind at all…

    i try and do a friend ONE little favour and they pike out on me and go to bed – just because it was nearly midnight and all… no stamina in the young’uns these days… i don’t get no respect, mutter mumble mutter rhubarb rhibarb….

    But i don’t mind – i’m just fine on my own… alone… no-one to talk to – that’s fine by me….


  70. Good evening friends! How are you? Looks like you’re having a good time here. 262 comments, my goodness! How will I read all that?

    Ah, what a clever dog! Love the video.

    LWBUT, I know of a clever cat (by reputation only; I haven’t seen nor watched it yet) — my boyfriend’s. My BF says his cat can play with balls and dolls, and uses the shower after him, but I don’t think she can dance like that.

    The lady in the video must be very proud of her pet. The dog is really very ‘talented.’


  71. Yay, I finished reading the first hundred of the comments (approx.). I was LOL as I read. You guys are funny.

    I’m only 5’4” but in the Philippines, I’m already on the tall side. Regular height here is about less than 5’ to 5’2” (for ladies).

    Wish I could sing too. It’s my biggest dream, really, to become a famous singer. My only problem is that, everytime I wake up, I always have a hard time differentiating the lower DO from the higher DO. 🙂

    Tam, Michelle, why don’t you try recording your voices then upload them in youtube then post them in your blogs? I’d definitely subscribe! I love listening to worship songs. 🙂 Hmmm, just a suggestion…


  72. Hi Brainteaser! I think you’re the perfect height! And i love your pic too!

    So Vinny recorded the last service this morning. Maybe there’s something useful on it. We did some pretty cool songs today. SO Worshipful. I LOVE a well written Worship tune!

    Love – You were totally pouting! I love it!!! I’ve trained you well!

    But now you’re sweet dreaming. Dreaming of a Valley, thousands of miles away. Surrounded by mountains. In a home with cupboards bursting with Oreo cookies. Hmmm…where might you be in this dream?


  73. Does Love work?? What does he do??

    Michelle, it’s back in my glands, like a pocket. I get them when I’m stressed out. Only this one has the shape of a tag. It’s weird. EW.


  74. Love’s job is chit chatting with us. heehee

    Yes Anne of Green Gables… and apparently Michelle and I not only have red hair in common, but that as well. 😀 heehee Imagine my excitement Tam! 😆


  75. Ill get the series for her.

    bran!!!! do you realize what you have just done??? You mentioned a nasty pocket in your throat and now Love is gonna google and wikipedia it to death and give us a whole rundown on your nasty throat



  76. Gross!! I get sores in my mouth when I’m stressed and my glands swell up…yuck!! I think it’s part of my illness, not to scare you or anything. 😮


  77. Michelle is totally right Tam! It IS a matter of heaven and hell. Serious. 😆 hahahaha!

    If you don’t pass that on to Kass in the next five minutes something bad will happen to you. If you choose to pass this along to her now something amazing will happen to you at this same time tomorrow if you stand on your head and count to ten.


  78. CRAP! hahaha!! Tammy I am cracking up!!
    Love is gonna google and wikipedia it to death…..hahahaha!!!

    Serious, it is gross. And it tastes bad. I knew before I looked I had it. Might be why I am so tired too. 😦

    Michelle, what illness??


  79. I don’t have Lupus, but I have NEVER had a good immune system. Neither does Dylan. He and I will get sick if someone within ten feet sneezes in the opposite direction. 😆


  80. They keep testing me for Lupus, Lyme’s disease, and MS . . . my Chinese herbalist says it’s a weak spleen aka auto-immune disease…so we fall back on the most common “trash” diagnosis commonly known as Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encyphalitis (something like that – it’s the European diagnosis for the same thing)



  81. NO! I know YOU have Lupus, I was saying that I don’t but even still I am always sick due to low immune system like you said you have b/c of Lupus. heehee Can I make that sound more confusing?! heehee

    I have no idea why. Never have known. I used to think it was my imagination but Dylan is the same way and I am STILL that way. Annooooooooooooyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.


  82. WOw 300 hundred already??

    Love you are a popular guy! 😆

    Tam, I could probably eat better and excercise more. Love, don’t hate me. 😉 heehee

    Michelle, your red hair against that green makes the picture! 😀


  83. Michelle, I am VERY TIRED right now too. Like I can’t keep my eyes open to save my life. I laid in bed today with Owen until 3:30 off and on. 😳

    I LOVE all things gluton. 😆 Isn’t that bread and stuff?


  84. Bran, i wonder what would happen if you switched to gluton free food??? its worth a shot!

    Michelle, Brans right – the hair against the green is smashing – but your expression too is just captivating! its my favorite avatar out there riht now!


  85. I know that I have a slight allergy to milk b/c it upsets my stomach….not always, but sometimes. And I LOVE MY MILK. 😀

    And yes, this has to be a record! haha!!

    Michelle, you were nervous about blogging?? I think we all were when we got started. 😉


  86. Gluton is in anything derived from wheat and oats – lots of thickening agents have it too. You have to start reading labels, but if you just shop around the edges of the isles and buy all natural – nothing processed or bread products of ANY kind you can get it under control – but you need to know if you have it, even thought there is not a cure, because it can bring an early demise with gross complications…

    How’s that for good news?


  87. Now I am geeked out. I love bread. And oats. And milk. And crackers. And cookies. And tortillas. heehee

    Tam, I had to switch to sugar free everything when I was pg w/Aidan and it made a huge difference in how I felt. I hate food changes though. *sigh*


  88. they say the best place to shop in at the grocery store is on the outside of the aisles. healthiest things are on the walls…or something like that 😉


  89. Oh no, the pic is better! I “wasn’t sure” about you until I saw your pic. haha!! I’m still trying to get Mr. Ed to post HIS PICTURE!! 😆

    I need to see faces. Right Love?! 😀


  90. You’re a teacher???

    Okay, FREAK ME OUT, b/c I wanted to be a teacher before I had kids and I still want to eventually. And right now I am learning about homeschooling so I can decide if that is something I want to do or not. 😀


  91. It takes lots of discipline and I have fallen off the wagon, but I do feel at my best when I eat healthy – against the walls!! 😉

    Bran – many people who have Celiac also have milk intolerances (whey, I think it is)?

    I’m a total source of healthful DEPRESSING information tonight – sorry! 😉


  92. OK, Bran, you’re gonna faint over this one…I homeschooled my kids for 18 years!!! 😉

    Yes, before children I taught at the elementary level, 3rd and 6th.


  93. Michelle, that’s okay. I LOVE knowing stuff. I am one of those people that does NOT believe ignorance is bliss. The more info I have the better. 😀 Bring it on sister! 😀 heehee

    I ate REALLY healthy after I had Aidan b/c I wanted to lose all the weight, but I have not gotten back to that yet after having O. Since I have had O my life has been the most stressful its ever been and I eat for comfort. BAD. I didn’t start to worry until my smallest jeans got a bit uncomfy a couple of months ago. 😦


  94. Michelle, I like to see faces. For all I know, it could be fake, but it makes me less uneasy. haha! 😆

    Okay, I just had to pick myself up off the floor….you homeschooled?! haha!! I so badly want to, it’s just finding out if I can do it or not. I am nervous. Failure is not an option in my book. Something I have to work on. 😉 Mr. Brent has already gotten onto me about that. 😉 Right Tam? hehe


  95. Where’d she go? What did Tam teach?

    It’s a wonderful lifestyle, but you must want to do it – if done like public school you will burn out in a hurry…I recommend For the Children’s Sake, by McCauley-Schaeffer – I’ll check on the author’s name and get a link to you…


  96. I REALLY REALLY want to. The thought of sending them to public school just doesn’t feel like an option for me, but homeschooling also sounds overwhelming and scary. I need to do a trial run. My plan is to start this year (he is 4 tomorrow) and just do preK or Kindergarten with him and see how well it fits this year, that way when he HAS TO GO to school next year I will be able to make an educated decision. y/k? Is that foolish or no?

    I don’t know what Tam taught. She did that when I lived in MO.


  97. Michelle, how did you get hooked up with all of us bloggers here?? Where did you come from? hahaha! heehee I can’t remember where I first noticed you…. Tam’s? Love’s? I don’t remember. 😦


  98. Not at all foolish – ‘ya just don’t have to do much at this level but let them play – they learn through play…give them plenty of craft supplies and legos – they’ll learn. Sing songs and let them talk – take nature walks – these are the most fun years in my book…


  99. See I am perfectionist and I tend to expect a lot so I can see it going south if I expect too much from Dylan. *sigh* We’ll see how it goes. I know it is something God has put on my heart b/c I can’t believe I am still going strong with this desire. Totally not of me. That’s what keeps me going too. 😉


  100. SEE! And that is why I want to homeschool. I don’t think they are ready for that at that age, to be mixed in with so many other kids. And the thought of someone else spending that much time with them makes me sad. I want to spend that time with them, I want to see them learning. Granted, the thought of having peace and quiet during the day is appealing too. 😉 I just need to pray that God prepares my heart and my thoughts for whatever will be best for Dylan and for me. Otherwise, it won’t work if I force it.


  101. I aided at first for 1st grade. the i was an assistant to a 1st grader, Alex Ann, who had cancer. It was in her hip. They had to remove her femur bone (her whole top half of her leg) then reattach the bottom half (at the knee) but they attached it backwards so that her prosthetic would bend right. So her right leg consisted only of her knee to her foot and her foot was backwards because her heel would become her new knee. Follow that??? Anyway…it was just Alex Ann and me all day. i taught her, I played with her, I took her to the bathroom. We got very connected. Then we lost her right before her 7th birthday. She’s dancing on BOTH legs with Jesus now!!!!

    Then the next year i co-taught a 1st/2nd grade split of Behavioral Learning Disability Students. In came the burnout! I was also very sick then but not diagnosed!

    Did I just write a short novel?



  102. Tammy! I didn’t know about that girl, Alex Ann. That is so sad. 😦 I am glad though that she is free of pain now. 😀 But still, so young and so much to deal with.


  103. Um, I went to the same church that Brent and Tam serve at and Debs goes there, so does Cheryl but she doesn’t blog anymore, and that’s all I can think of. Tam?? Help here? 😉


  104. Alex Ann was an Earth Angel!!!! beautiful Soul and Spirit! She brought people together. She was strong and stoic!

    Yes Michelle, we attended the same church! And bran, I thought about you all weekend too. you would’ve loved the music today 😉


  105. DO NOT apologize for writing your story – I’m loving the interaction…

    Wow, you had quite a ministry with Alex Ann. That must have been very rewarding..and yet, sad. How long ago were you diagnosed?


  106. Okay girls, I gotta run I think. 😦 My throat is starting to hurt (crap!) and O is asleep on me. Plus, I know once Love gets here I won’t be able to get off and I CANNOT stay up that late again tonight. 😉

    Love you girls! Tam, always loved you. Michelle, so excited to have you as a new friend. Can’t wait to see where our conversations lead us. 😀 Tonight when I am not being bothered I am going to finish reading up on your blog. I’ve been looking forward to it. 😉

    Night girls! 😀


  107. Oh yeah, Dana (Laz) too. heehee SHE NEEDS A BLOG!! Hear that Dana?! You need a blog!!

    Tam, what did you guys sing???? Huh? Huh? Huh? Tell me tell me tell me. 😀 heehee

    Okay for real….. going…..


  108. I love you Bran!

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago. They suspect I’ve had Lupus for at least 10 years after looking back over my records. They feel i wont get “worse” but I’m not really concerned about that. I’m in the fold of His arms and He knows and will prepare me for whatever comes my way!


  109. It’s been rough not knowing what’s wrong with me – I just had another MRI a couple of weeks ago – so I do know now, it’s NOT MS – PTL!! But they still think something is up neurologically.

    So, for 10+ years you’ve been sick?


  110. I understand God’s goodness – it’s in His hands – I’m so glad to hear they don’t suspect you will worsen…but, like you said, you’re in His arms, He knows what you can handle, right?


  111. I’ve always had problems with my joints. That’s how Lupus effects me mostly. The last time they ran test my liver looked irritated. So, you never know. Lupus does attack the organs so anything is possible. Oddly enough, I don’t get sick all that often. But when i do – i’m down for awhile! I really focus on positive thinking though. Humor has been a great medicine for me. I know that stress is such an inducer of all things unhealthy – so i try to not stress over things. it really helps a lot!


  112. i dont stay away from stress. I just cant stress about stressful things. It doesn’t help me or the situation at all. I used to all the time. But I am a very reactionary person (im working on that) so when stress came my way i would react without rationalizing. Everyone pays for it then 😯 I’m not saying i dont worry. Not that that is ok – im human – but i’ve trained myself to find positive, as hard as it often is to find it.


  113. That’s good training – I’ve learned much through Phat – he had a sad upbringing but stayed positive. I think much of it has to do with temperaments…I’m more the artistic, melancholy type. My weakness is pessimism, so I have to search the mind of God on a subject to stay above my flesh…


  114. i understand, totally, being an artist myself. it is a battle daily. look, i dont want to paint the picture that i never struggle. in my “private” thoughts i do battle with the Lord and my flesh daily. it is a a long process… i have an eternity to go! Im so glad to know people like you, Love, Bran, Darla and so many others who help keep me grounded and rooted!


  115. This little community has helped me tremendously – I don’t know how much longer I could have gone without connection…I need people and I need to think through my thoughts. Sometimes I wonder if I’m too public, but it was God’s idea to start the blog – I knew nothing about it and it didn’t sound like much fun to me – I’m glad I was wrong!! 😉


  116. OK, so do you think he sleeps this late every morning?? Or is he out there reading everything and doesn’t want to show himself, so we’ll keep revealing our deepest, darkest thoughts…

    Are you there, Love?? 😆


  117. HA! Yup – i thought blogging was silly in the beginning when Brent started. I teased him fearlessly for months. And because i’m not competitive 😉 i decided to start my own 😀


    Wake Uuuuuuuuuuuuup….


  118. Well, I guess he can sleep all morning…Brothers and Sisters is on…I shouldn’t like it, but I do…Have a great Monday, Tam…and



  119. 300++ comments and finally, I got to read everything.

    You guys made me LOL. Love your comments!

    It’s now 10:20 Phil time, and Australia is just two hours ahead. So I don’t think our dear blogger is still sleeping.

    Maybe he’s at work. But, as someone had asked (can’t remember who), what does he do?

    Also, I’m wondering, is he BRAINDRAIN? I clicked on the link braindrain in his blogroll few weeks back. The humor in braindrain’s blog sounds like him…


  120. OK – i’m officially Up AND Up-to-date now 🙂

    I have missed out on so much and was it Bran or Michlelle who said i owe you three (and Brainy) 😉 Triple Big Time???

    I’m gonna be all out of Oreo’s after this i suspect? 🙂


  121. Cool – is it live?? Plans??

    I don’t need to Google Lupus – my new-found Step-Brother had it (he’s fully ‘recovered’ after being hospitalised for three weeks with it – Have Hope) i might do a little more ‘research though – and i am ‘transcribing’ for Brandy -should i post that like you do with FIF do you think? it is a little ‘personal?

    After that it’s whatever comes along 🙂
    (Supposed to be raining and thunderstorms today?)


  122. DEBS!

    Tam has already established over on her blog that only three comments in a row does not officially constitute a HiJack – but i’l make an exception to this ‘rule’ for you – since it’s been a while – this constitutes a veritable ‘torrent’ 🙂

    And i’m with you an the lightening show and rain on the window-pane – but not ALL the time 😉

    No ‘butts’ on my own blog! 😉


  123. maybe you should just send the conv. to Bran and let her enjoy it all by herself 😯

    rain and thunder? Po you 😦

    i’m really trying to muster up some sympathy. but. i just. just.



  124. I admit to ambivalent feelings about posting it wholus-bolus here, Tam.

    It is all ‘out there so i don’t have issues with repeating it personally, however would anyone tape their conversation with three close frinds discussing ‘personal stuff’ and play it on the radio?? i would feel a slight ‘betrayal of trust and confidences doing so – and also feel like some people might see it as a kind of ‘bragging’ – not that such people’s uninformed opinions are reason for me doing or not doing a thing.

    This was very special and something i have not seen on any other blog (to this wonderfully total extent!) I would not like to do anything to ‘cheapen’ it in ANY way – real or imagined.

    I am happy to transcribe it for those who would like a copy (of the participants for preference and never to anyone else without permission of all concerned)

    And you should save your sympathy about thunder and rain for those who may need it – I’m cool! 8)


  125. Okay all caught up, and Love, seriously, STOP the “transcribing” hahaha! 😆 Somehow I doubt it will be nearly as funny as it was while it was going on. 😉 😆

    And yes, twas me who said you owe us big time for pumping up your comments! 😆

    TAMMY! I had the HARDEST TIME figuring out the podcast thingy and I still didn’t get it to work. HELP ME.

    Deb, did you get all caught up here?? 😆 OH MY!

    Love, what on earth were you doing all morning? 😯 😆 And no, I am not sleeping. I should be, but I just had to do damage control with an OUT OF CONTROL four year old. 😦 😯
    And then I come here and read what Michelle wrote about B&S and I realized I missed THAT AND DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!!! MY SHOW!!!!!! 😦


  126. Later Love! I must restrain myself tonight. Going to bed now. Taking my lovely pills for all my 26 year old ails and hopefully making it to bed. 😆 Unless O here has other plans. 😯


  127. ok, i am totally lost here.

    i dont see any hearts.

    im done with the podcast. those guys are out of control i tell ya!

    i guess im gonna have to be the 500th commenter then



  128. Lol – this might just be the beginning of a beautiful comment-list! 😉

    I can see i’m gonna hafta do some renovations in here.. some comfy sofa’s – lots of fluffy pillows amybe a bean-bag or three – cappucino machine and mini-bar, maybe a few soft furnishings and nice curtains – velvet maybe?? 🙂 Candles of course!

    Might as well make yourselves at home y’all, Huh? 🙂


  129. haha!! I have a feeling we’ve lost the other redheads tonight 😦

    but go ahead and make me a Mocha there would ya Love? Decaf.

    so i missed it…What WERE you doing all morning???


  130. Dutch Bros Mocha decaf (lite or ‘premium’milk?) with a choc-twist sprinkle comin’ up! 😉

    Truth is i had a VERY late night ( watching formula one race – Mark Webber our Aussie Hero finished 5th – very good for his team’s car’s ability – so i had a lie-in and then took a while getting morning chores out of way ( i also check my share trading each morning before i allow myself to blog – it’s my current only source (sink) of income 😉


  131. P.S. i’m indebted to Deb(t) 😉 for a new ‘toy’ – Hearts!!!
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    and guess what?? ( you SO should be able to see them??? ) do you know what each heart STARTS with???

    ‘Shift’ SEVEN key!


    I Heart You!


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