FOTD – August 16 – Cape Marguerite Daisies (Dimorphotheca ecklonis)

Few of the flowers in my garden can match these spectacular flowers for their prolific flowering, nor their brilliance and endurance. These flowers, a native of South Africa, begin to flower before Spring begins and last deep into Autumn – they love the warmth and heat of our bright sunshine. 🙂

Also known as Osteospermum, Dimorphotheca ecklonis can be commonly called Cape Marguerite daisy, Van Staden’s River daisy, Sundays River daisy, white daisy bush, blue-and-white daisy bush and star of the veldt, tributes to their African heritage.

I have several bushes that flower only as a brilliant white, with a blue to deep violet central ‘eye’. Other bushes can have a range of colours, including different coloured flowers on the same bush. The colours vary from the palest of pinks to rich red/purple, many of which will have stripes of a lighter shade on the petals.

(Click on a pic to open in a new window and click again to see enlarged detail!) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - Cape Daisies3Bright Winter sunshine casts dark shadows across these unusually tinted daisy flowers 🙂

lovewillbringustogether - Cape Daisies4A beautiful pink variation with golden pollen on the anther tubes of the inner flowers.

lovewillbringustogether - Cape Daisies2These two flowers are from the same branch of the same bush! 🙂

lovewillbringustogether - Cape Daisies1After a Winter shower the Sun burst forth to be reflected hundreds of times in the raindrops left on this flower. (Best seen by clicking on or expanding the image. 🙂 )


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Cee’s Flower of the Day – August 16, 2019 – Dahlias




    • They grow into a woddy stemmed bush about 3 ft tall by 3 wide with flowers around the 3 inch in diam mark. Sturdy is the word! (and very beautiful) 🙂

      How’s your garden patch coming along?


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