Flower of the Day – November THE 8TH! – Nasturtium

Nasturtiums can be quite ‘dramatic’ flowers when you look at them in close-up. Their showy display of bright colour against the neutral green of their big round leaves; the contrast between their flat and crinkly petals and the deep cave-like tunnel, guarded by rows of savage looking ‘teeth’ and lined with mesmerising converging lines of strikingly different colour and the jewels of the stamen rich in pollen protected within.

This golden yellow gem seems to be on fire with it’s red contrasts but is being quenched a little by the Spring showers. 🙂

(Click on the pic to open in a new window and click again to see full size detail) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - Nasturtium Quenched

link to:

Cee’s FOTD – November 8, 2018 – Tulip Bud




    • Hah! 😀

      Nasturtiums sure seem to have gone out of their way to design a great pollination trap for themselves huh? ( Or maybe somebody/thing else did anyway?) 😉 🙂

      Nice ‘seeing’ you again, Sa. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Just popping in to say hello! These flowers do seem to attract a lot of drama. 😉 The shape of this is fascinating, though. Two on top, three on bottom.

    Oh, you think some scientists created some hybrids? Texas A&M University’s agricultural department is famous for that sort of thing. They created some maroon colored “bluebonnets” I believe!

    A blogger needs help identifying this flower. Maybe you can stop by and help? 🙂 https://mariawijk.wordpress.com/2018/11/08/okand-blomma-unknown-flower-4/comment-page-1/#comment-1417

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    • Hell-oo! 🙂

      Sure horticulturists make a LOT of hybrids… most of the flowers in our garden centres or supermarkets have been to some degree… but in this case i was insinuating maybe a ‘Higher Power’ was at work? – Not that i’m into the whole Creative Design ideology you understand. 😉

      I regularly see Maria’s flower posts… i missed her tody!

      I shall fix that immediately and hopefully come up with an answer to the q?

      Thanks Sa.:-)

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      • You know, that was my first thought when you added that line! 🙂 I don’t doubt that ‘Higher Power’ has a say in how things are. Humans just have to work with a limited word bank and description of how things work.

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        • 🙂

          I believe that life on Earth (including our species) is a smaller sub-set of life on a Universal scale which we are largely un-equipped to recognise as being our ‘Originator’ and do not understand it or our relationship and ability to work co-operatively with it just yet. 🙂

          I learned the other day that the English language is one of the ones with the most individual words! ( around 100 000+…and more being added every year!)

          But most of us only ever know/use under 10,000 so you are quite right – we’re limited.

          Present company excepted of course! 😉

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        • Humans beings are a stubborn, resistant class at times. Though with Joseph Campbell’s thoughts and a variety of other thought leaders… I just feel like it opened a lot of doors as to how to interact.

          Oh goodness! 🙂 I’m so excited. I was just chatting with another blogger, Cactus Haiku, about my research over the history of the English language. I was thinking about writing a blog post about my field study research. Feeling kinda nervous though… 😀

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        • Nervous energy can be a great addition to the writing process!! 🙂

          Sounds like the kinda thing i’d enjoy reading… when you have crafted it to your liking!;-)

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        • Interesting!… but it’s probably more correct to say English languageS ! Lol. 🙂

          How far back did it go? The term English derives from the Angles who along with the Saxons lived in most of the central eastern/southern parts of England from 400 AD after they invaded Britain from Eastern Europe with the local Celts and the Gaels being pushed out into the North and the West. So in a small area that was invaded by many groups over more than a thousand years there remain traces of Latin (and Greek) from the Romans, French from the Normans and the Britons, Celtic, Angle, Saxon, (Old German) and Danish from the Vikings in our shared language!

          Of course today, Britain is invaded mostly by the Americans who are seriously transforming the native tongue! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • 🙂 Fascinating. Did your aunt nurture this interest in you? Are you a historian/teacher as well? 😉 One of my professors is an expert on Anglo Saxon texts and taught a class that really captured my attention. Someone thanked me recently by giving me a book about Vikings. Some random date in the future, I hope to write a book review!

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        • I’d say my Aunt Ray had a fair bit to do with it! 😉

          Not so much a Historian as someone with many interests, a good memory and the ability to connect concepts between several discilplines though my own kinda logic! 😉

          I’ve long had an interest in words, their etymology and meaning and the way other languages contain links to the history of how our language has evolved over the centuries. 🙂

          It’s kinda strange that i consider myself an Anglo-Saxon descendent from Britain/England (orig. Britton/Angle-land) but that both names (and Saxons from Saxony) come from other countries and i don’t associate my heritage with any of the ‘original’ inhabitants of the place i come from?

          The more i think about it now, the more fascinating it gets. 🙂 Thanks Sa – you’ve got me thinking…A-Gain! 😉

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    • Yay! 🙂 (You can expect a ‘few’ more of mine in coming weeks also!)

      I look forwards to them. ( I like your Durante as well… mine were gotten at by something, but i’ll try to post a good one.) 🙂

      I have way too many photos! 😉


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