There’s More Than One Way To Skin a Cat! (Or In This Case Border Your Photos!)

Rebel Girl over at kindly showed me how she gets her blog’s photos to display with a border around them, here.

From my very first attempts at blogging i vaguely recalled being able to include the html code for borders to be added to a post – so i went ‘digging’…

… and i found it!

So, first open a new post and add the photo via ‘+Add ‘ -> ‘Media’ -> ‘Upload’ as normal then save the post as a draft.

You can add a border quite easily if you wish in WordPress – but first you need to go back to the ‘old’ editor (found by selecting WP-Admin at the very bottom of the ‘new’ dashboard. Select the ‘My Sites’ tab on the top menu bar as per graphic below.)WP-Admin

That brings up the old dashboard.


Now click on the ‘Posts’ and ‘All Posts’ and select the draft you just saved. Once the post comes up you can click on the photo and a tab will open with six icons, one of which is a pencil for editing.

Edit picture box
Edit Picture Box

Click on it and you have a choice of options for your photo including border size, border colour and separations from other photos/text. (Not to mention the option for full sized images ( with a new window option box!) and photo justification (L, C, R) – and a bunch of other stuff.

Once you’ve made your selections simply press the ‘Update’ button and you’re done. 🙂

You can continue editing the post either in the old editor or switch dashboards again and continue in the new editor – whichever you prefer. Then upload your post when you are ready.

The photo will have nice border and if you have chosen it, will open to full size in a new window leaving your post still visible in it’s original tab. (Handy when you have several photo’s at once you don’t need to keep hitting the ‘back’ button once you open a pic).

So – now there are 2 ways to add border’s to your pics in your posts! 🙂



    • click the size box and try ’20’ to see how it looks and click on the colour box and select a common colour or choose a new one from the square pallette. 🙂


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