FOTD – August 14 – First Poppy

My poppy buds have been tempting me for the last 3 weeks with the promise of opening out fully to reveal their brilliant red petals and fabulous ‘clock face’ seed pod centres surrounded by dozens of pollen laden stamen.

Yesterday i caught the first one of the ‘Spring’ season (still really 6 weeks away down here) as it cracked open from it’s hairy casing. 🙂

This is an example of my most typical poppy type and is one of the ‘original’ Remembrance poppies that first bloomed in my garden over a decade ago. Things have evolved a little since then, as long term readers of this blog are probably well aware. 🙂

For those who might not know what i mean try typing ‘Poppy’ in my Search bar on the right hand side. ==>>>>>>

(Click on a pic to open in a new window and click again to see enlarged detail!) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - First Poppy1Late yesterday evening after seeing just a thin sliver of red in the morning my first poppy was about to bloom – Yay! 🙂

lovewillbringustogether - First Poppy2Early the following morning.

lovewillbringustogether - First Poppy3Opening bud in close-up. 🙂


link to:

Cee’s Flower of the Day – August 14, 2019 – Dahlia and Bumble Bee




    • Thank you, Anita!

      I expect to have plenty more poppies popping up in my garden for the next couple of months. I’ll be posting a few of them i’m sure. There are likely to be a few different types and colourations. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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