Flower of the Day – October 7 – Multi-coloured Poppies.

I’m dedicating this week to my Poppies! 🙂

Day 8. Eight days a week!

I cannot in good conscience constrain myself to displaying just 7 days worth of these incredible plants so i’m adding an eighth today and i saved the best till last and will post the ninth and final (for now! I have loads more to show later 😉 ) for Monday.

My Poppies this year have truly excelled themselves in their hybridisation – changing their colour and form, i presume from cross-pollination with each other – and while the traditional red ‘cup’ or tulip-like poppies are by far the most predominant i get the occasional grouping like these that better explain my wonder over them than i can in words… 🙂

(Click on the pics to open in a new window and click again to see full size detail) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - Poppy Mix3

lovewillbringustogether - Poppy Mix1

lovewillbringustogether - Poppy Mix2

lovewillbringustogether - Poppy Mix4

A bonus point for anyone who spotted the bee?

link to:

Cee’s Flower of the Day – October 7, 2018 – Dahlia




  1. I’ve said this before, but once more, clicking on the photo and seeing these flowers enlarged is amazing. It give me the feeling I have when I look at something through a telescope and am amazed. Thank you for reminding us to enlarge. It makes a huge difference. Your camera is simply excellent.

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