Rules to live by

Oooooooohh – Kay!                    Rule

 Those last two posts were, I know a little heavy going but i needed to get them ‘out’ – forgive me.

 I could easily have gone ‘deeper’ or more into the ‘rational’ (or scriptural) to be more ‘precise’ in my explanation, but i notice whenever i do that i lose people – and sometimes lose myself and that is not good when all you really want to do is SHARE. 🙂

 So, with that in mind here is Your opportunity to share with Me! And i will listen for a change without adding too much i hope! 😉

 We all have or need ‘Rules to Live by’ be they work related, societal, personal or just ‘general’.

 What are some of your BEST??

 The Top Ten (as chosen by me!) will likely be put up on my Blog side bar in a text box! for all to ponder over and adopt as they see fit. 🙂

 Here are a ‘couple’ to get you ‘in the mood’…

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. (Golden Rule)

Rules were meant to be beant (Misspelled Rule)

Rigidity in thinking or anything else eventualy leads to something snapping – Be Flexible! (Be Bendy Rule)…

KNOW THYSELF!!! -know thine enemy. (Self-perpetuating Rule)

 Go for it and don’t be afraid of being creative and logical 🙂


  1. Underwear? Really? don’t you just turn them inside out? Huh…

    It’s better to understand a little, than misunderstand alot.

    A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory.

    Borrow money from pessemists, they won’t expect it back!

    How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you are….


  2. Lol @ GG’s rules (although some are not strictly a rule)

    Tam – Laughing My A$$ Off! 😉

    Anyone see the japanese invention of paper underwear with three legs? lets you use them 6 days straight by turning them inside out and using alternate leg holes on each successive day!

    Presumably on the 7th day – you ‘rest’ and just go with God! 😉


  3. OK – I don’t know if I have enough “funny” in me to come up with five things to comment just to get my face plastered all over YOUR blog!

    But here’s a rule to live by…

    Expect the best out of people – air on the side of grace.


  4. “OK – I don’t know if I have enough “funny” in me to come up with five things to comment just to get my face plastered all over YOUR blog!”

    My, that was a bit hostile…

    Expect the best out of people – air on the side of grace.



  5. My rules?

    I guess I would point to these.

    1. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. (if you get one thing from the Bible let this be it)

    2. An if it harm none, do as thou wilt. (wiccan rede)

    3. Always consider the motivations of ANYONE making an extraordinary and/or absolute claim. (particularly important when dealing with conspiracy minded people)

    4. Be AWESOME to each other! (with apologies to bill & Ted)

    5. Never lose your childlike sense of wonder!



  6. now, now GG – It wasn’t hostile. I had “on purpose” just for “fun” commented 5 different times in a row just so Love could check his blog and see only my pic in his Recent Comments…silly girl

    I thought it was funny 😉


  7. I’ve been asked to be serious 😦


    Of course: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. (this rule should make living by any other one quite easy)

    I always tell my kiddos “Be a blessing – Not a burden”

    Never have a conversation with someone else in your “head” ( the mistake of answering for them and assuming their position will getcha every time)

    Never withhold a kind word when it’s in your power to give it.


  8. I think I came across wrong in my earlier post so I need to apologize to it, it sounds wrong….You guys couldn’t see my shoulders shaking with laughter…and I didn’t put my usual LOL and smilies…sorry Tammers….it was hysterical to me contrasting the two comments….first sounded like playful chewing out, then on to grace…it just struck me funny….:( Sometimes I despise cyberspace!


  9. Robert: You and I are about a flies fart away from going toe to toe…….

    I read your rules, and man all I’m going to say right now is….I know somewhere in the midst of your demon posessed, devil worship stuff, there is a Bible….read James 1:8….

    Do you truly NOT understand how muttle minded you are becoming because of the sources in which you derive your information from? No wonder you’re so mental sometimes. Geez Who wouldn’t be?


  10. Gods Gal

    James 1:8

    That was hurtful…really it was…

    “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

    I have called many things in my life by many people. “UNSTABLE” is NOT an adjective that anyone who knows me would accuse me of being.

    While I don’t understand this relationship you claim to have with your Lord and Savior, I don’t think I’ve belittled it in such an insensitive way!

    “demon posessed, devil worship stuff”

    Seriously?! Demons!?

    What about goblins?! Or better yet Orcs!?

    I have many works on my bookshelf. Many different modes of thought are represented, I draw wisdom from some and none from others.

    I have yet to see a DEMON fly out of any of them.

    there is a Bible

    Which one? KJV? NIV? NJB?


    how muttle minded you are becoming because of the sources in which you derive your information from

    Lovely throw in a nice ad hominem attack.

    Let me be clear here…because I am very close to blowing my stack.

    If the men of the renaissance had adhered to your mode of thinking we would still be bleeding people to cure disease, we wouldn’t have computers or the world wide web, we wouldn’t know that the Earth DOES in fact go around the Sun.

    You know why?

    Because the thinking men who figured this stuff out would have been burned as heretics for gleaning wisdom from someplace else other than the Bible!

    Now before you accuse me I not suggesting you advocate burning people at the stake. Bu you ARE suggesting that I am under the influence of demons for considering that maybe there might something more to the world than what’s written in the Bible. Which is exactly the type of allegation that was hurled at Galileo, Hooke, Kepler, Copernicus, Huygens and many others.




  11. Robert, I don’t care about everyone else you mentioned here…I care about you. Just Robert. I don’t care what these other people have to say, or what they’ve written and I am REALLY sorry if I hurt you. It’s what I’m hearing from you tho. I hear so many opinions from so many different sources that I truly don’t know what Robert, you, believes. I want to hear from YOU. If you keep dwelling on other peoples findings and relying on examples of the past, you’ll never have a future….you’ll never get it…and i SO want you to!!!

    As far as the demons, you are dabbling in something that you admit you know little about. I do. I don’t say that to be pompous, but I do. When I saw the Wiccan stuff, it just got to me. It’s one of those religions that seems to have good stuff, but is so deceptive in the reality of it. You just about have me cryin here, please listen to what I am telling you. There will come a day when debating will come to an end and choice will be there…I don’t want you to be lost.


  12. WOW! What, in God’s Name, have I been responsible for starting here????? 🙂

    OK I appreciate i probably may not have actually ‘started’ things but still – it is a pretty bug surprise to wake up to all that on whtat i though was going to be a light hearted open contribution blog for people to give their BEST in ???? :-O

    Lesson well noted Tam – I may never sleep again 😉

    GG – you are always welcome here! (as is anyone else, none the least Robert!) Would it be asking too much though to be maybe a tad more ‘charitable’? 🙂

    You have to know by now surely that Tam and I are VERY good friends and that she would never do anything or say anything that was intended to be truly mean to me??? If you don’t – now you do – ok? 🙂 Your first comment to Her (and yes i KNOW how close you are so it amazes me all the more) did not give her words the benefit they deserved – You got them wrong, Sugar! 🙂 Oh, and Good Morning to you 🙂

    I for one heard them the way Tam truly intended them (NO worries, Tam! 😉 ) I also felt you were being just a tad harsh to Robert (I am defending Robert now???? Has the world gone crazy here?? 🙂 )

    Just because he made ONE coment regarding Wicca (I have a very good friend who is a wicca white witch and i think you have got a very false view of that topic – she is truly a loving and wonderful woman who does unbelievable charity work when she could be making squillions in a nice real estate office somewhere but lives in remote poverty caring for our aboriginal community). Christians have NEVER been very good when it comes to turning the other cheek and loving their enemies – they mostly burned or slashed them to bits. 😦 Understanding and being in Spirit seem to be beyond many.

    You ‘know’ Robert perhaps better than I and your motivation is no doubt coming from only good intent but here it seems to be making you so ‘silly’ things?? or is that just me and my restricted view because of only seeing things from a computer perspective (and we ALL know how dangerous that is – right? 🙂 )

    Robert – I actually believe all your Rules are quite ‘excellant’ (aps to B and T)

    3 and 5 especially – ok so I can see a slight ‘glitch’ to #2 and where GG might be getting some of here ‘Grumpy pills’ from.

    Robert – for your ‘benefit’ 😉 even with the rider of ‘so long as it harms none’ most of us are so darned ‘short sighted’ we can NEVER be in any way certain of this and doing as THOU wilt can have some very unexpected and would you believe? ‘demonic’ results?

    It’s a ‘feeding the EGO’ thing which is really, ultimately NOT a very wise idea – not sure if non-believers get that or understand why?

    Ahh well (siggghhhh)

    As everyone will agree – DO unto Others as you would have THEM do unto YOU. (think on that with a wider perspective, guys!)

    GG would you have Robert ram his philosphy down your throat for your ‘salvation’ as HE sees it? Robert do you wish GG could see things from your point of view?

    Oh, and Robert the ‘logic’ in your second last paragraph is truly dreadful – you might want to rework that bit again so it actually says what you were trying to say! 😉

    PEACE! 🙂


  13. Well at least we know you’re not too upset. You used 8 🙂 and 4 😉 and only 1 😦 in your “wake up and feel the love” reply.

    So odds are…we’re safe! 😉

    GG and I are just fine! It was a misinterpretation of what I read. 🙂

    I’ve watched Robert and GG go at it like this over on FC. I don;t know what it is about you two – but you always come back to a respectful and calm position and hear each other out. So I don’t worry about you all anymore…I just sit with a bag of Oreos and enjoy the show! Love to you both 😉

    And love to you Love!!!


  14. Love, first of all I have known Tam and InWorship for going on 8 years now. I have a deep bond and love for both of them. We attend church together, and InWOrship produced my CD with Tam at my side the whole time….I would never intentionally do anything to hurt either of them…ever…and Lord help anyone else who may. I also will not defend the fact that I get riled that my Lord and Savior is listed among a religion which is satan worship. Nice or not, eternity is always first and foremost on my mind, and I don’t have it in me to “nice” someone all the way to Hell. Robert and I have a repore, and I hope I did get to him today because I care about what happens to him. Would I want someone ramming it down my throat? They did, that’s why I’m saved and victorious today. I have come to Robert, I think he knows that….I don’t hold back when a soul is at stake…and it hasn’t been one comment. He is searching (Robert, if you’re reading this, I’m not excluding you, you’re just not here at the moment… ;)) and we have discussed over a couple of months the things of the Lord. I felt like it was time to point out to him why he is having the confusion…it was made obvious to me while I read the above referenced scripture. I apologized for the abruptness of my statement, but other than that I wil NEVER put my Lord, the One True God, amongst dead or man-made gods, and give them equal credit. That is beyond insulting to me….but I also realize that Robert doesn’t understand that.

    Ok, I’m done crying over mis intent, and done for today….i hope you come to know me as I really am one day…I have the utmost respect for you…


  15. 😉 ‘s at Tam – Understood and ‘fixed’ already sweetie!

    GG Sweet Dreams for now. You missed (and maybe don’t truly get – like so many don’t) the point about doing unto others. If you would not want Robert to shove HIS philosophy down your throat for HIS purposes – how can YOU do the same to HIM???

    Claiming it to be ‘God’s philosphy’, not yours just won’t ‘cut it’ either i am sorry to tell you.

    YOU are the one ‘doing’ things here. Your ego is involved. Defeating it once does not mean it doesn’t ever come back in different guise GG!

    I don’t doubt your integrity, your sincerity, your Love for others and your need to save ‘us’ – I doubt NONE of that.

    But you truly do need to look again at the Golden Rule and see all that it implies for you, not just a very narrow and limited version of it.

    Please – read it again – meditate in prayer over it and ask God to help you see all it says to you with perfect sight and understanding. Not that of your own ego!

    From Matt 7:12… Therefore in ALL things Whatsoever ye would that MEN should do to you, do EVEN so unto them.

    You have God in your heart – that is not at issue!
    What is at issue is your own understanding of this passage and the ego taking ‘control’ to use it against you. Against God.

    YOU would have Robert (men) LISTEN to YOU – listen to your true God – the one YOU have such faith in. even so do unto THEM – therefore YOU must listen to them – to their one true God – which they have such ‘faith’ in – even if that ‘God’ does not even exist!

    Sound Dumb?? sound just so damned WRONG???

    Look closely – look without ego but with the eyes of God, your God, the loving forgiving ALL-embracing, God.

    I am NOT saying convert to wicca or atheism or anything else – be TRUE to your God and not your ego! Listen to HIM not her, ‘me’. You wish to save people and that is commendable. When it becomes a source of contention between you and those you would save and can even make YOU commit ‘error’ when doing such a valuable ‘service’ then it is time to look within at your own actions – not out at those of Robert, or anyone else.

    Would you have robert ask you questions so HE can work things through for Himslef? of course you would – so therefore you MUST let him do likewise and not be offended by him.

    Frankly my dear, you for whatever reason went too darn far over your limited understanding of wicca and demonic ‘worship’.

    In my HUMBLE opinion. 😉

    Love You GG.


  16. Gee GG had a lot to say today 🙂

    I am poring over it trying hard to figure out where your mind was at today GG – something seemed ‘out of chracter’ for a woman who Loves God, loves her friends, even loves her, for want of a better word ‘enemies’, lol, and should by now understand how easy it can be to misread what people write on this stupid machine.

    I also will not defend the fact that I get riled that my Lord and Savior is listed among a religion which is satan worship.

    getting riled and angry with your brother – I don’t follow Matt 5:22 as often as i should – you deserve better from yourself also GG

    Satan worship – i don’t believe that is you speaking from anything like your own experience – sounds much more like a thing you picked up from a church who has done more harm to man’s soul and turned more people away from God than any wiccan or other little-followed religion has.

    As i said i know a wiccan and while not choosing the practice myself it is based in NATURE – God’s Mother Nature – the female aspect of our ‘male’ God – for this the Church deems it ‘satanic’!

    Wiccan’s understand that all power comes from the One source, it is God based, not Earthly. It is involving an understanding of the world we live in all our earthly lives, it does not see this world as all there is. Or the ruler of all.

    Some blind priests out of fear they would lose ‘customers’ believed they were doing God’s work by misunderstanding other religions and teaching their followers it was ‘righteous’ to wipe their adherents from the face of the earth and making them out to be followers of Satan.

    The world is not so ‘black and white’ as some try to make it seem GG – exercise ‘caution’.

    (Sorry Ben – there’s that ‘impossible’ thing again) 🙂

    Hope you feel better this morning GG 🙂


  17. @LWBUT

    It’s a ‘feeding the EGO’ thing which is really, ultimately NOT a very wise idea – not sure if non-believers get that or understand why?

    That’s a very interesting perspective! 🙂 I may have to try to work that into my ‘code’.

    As I explained on FC, My use of the Wiccan rede has more to do with my perspective on homosexuality. My feeling is that if it’s between two consenting adults it ‘harms none’.

    Some argue that homosexuality becomes a ‘slippery slope’ that will eventually lead to people marrying animals et al. Maybe. But I’m not going to get ‘worked up’ over what could happen.

    the ‘logic’ in your second last paragraph is truly dreadful – you might want to rework that bit again so it actually says what you were trying to say!

    In my defense, I was worked up when I wrote that and I might not have let my emotions get the better of me.

    That said, you seem to have a clear idea how I should have said that. I’m curious as to how you would have conveyed the point I so clearly failed to make.

    All of this I have to communicate something i have noticed over many years of contemplation of matters spiritual and/or religious.

    In my experience in dealing with others of a deep theistic conviction, I noted in these people a certain unwillingness to even entertain the notion that they might be wrong.

    All of my current convictions I accept with a VERY important caveat: I reserve the right to change my mind should better arguments and/or evidence present themselves.

    Most theists make no such allowance. They believe what they believe and no manner of evidence, argument or experience will convince them otherwise.

    I’m concerned that beneath the civilized veneer of some theists there is a certain ‘self-righteous’ conviction that they alone have the truth and all else is work of the ‘enemy’. How can we ever learn to find common ground together if deep in their hearts they are convinced that anyone who deviates from the ‘Christian relationship’ is destined for hell?

    Especially here in the states, free-thinkers like myself are the fastest growing segment of our society, regardless what Fox News might wish to tell people.

    Christians are not persecuted in this country. Quite the contrary, more and more it seems our country is going against the constitutional mandate that ‘no religious test’ ever be required for holding public office. But it seems like every presidential wanna-be has to go out of his or her way to demonstrate how CHRISTIAN he or she is!

    Polls suggest that 90% of the United States consider themselves Christian. But the percentage of other faiths and even the faithless is rising. Shall we relegate them to second class status?

    We have to find common purpose or we are in trouble.



  18. Hiya lwbut,

    you certainly found it easy to say that what Godsgal was saying and doing was wrong.

    please, splain. I mean aren’t you just denomstrating your own uncertainty by asserting that her’s is wrong (thanks, werner)?


  19. Hiya,

    “YOU would have Robert (men) LISTEN to YOU – listen to your true God – the one YOU have such faith in. even so do unto THEM – therefore YOU must listen to them – to their one true God – which they have such ‘faith’ in – even if that ‘God’ does not even exist!”

    This is really silly.

    What is this “must” crap? Seriously, Werner is laughing at you.


  20. Hi Love,

    Of course I have alot to say about what you wrote…but I actually just want to know one thing right now before I respond and that is,
    Who do you believe God to be? It should be a fairly simple thing to answer….


  21. Morning GG. WHO do I believe God to be????

    A simple answer?? I don’t think it is in any way simple to answer but i can give you a simple one if you wish…

    Actually the way you phrase the question is ‘fooling’ me and i want to be CLEAR and True in my answer to you.

    Why is the q ‘fooling’ me? Because ‘who’ implies that God can be tied down in something approaching ‘human’ form (the usual reference of ‘who’ is a person).

    I do not believe God is or can or ever should be turned into something ‘human’, so as to limit all that IS – I hate the use of ‘He/Him’ for just this reason but it is so handy when making conversation with others (and sometimes with ‘Him’ – see? convenient. 😉 )

    So wishing to give you an honest ‘simple’ answer.

    I will say God is the Creator of ALL that is… ( this insignificant little planet that means the world to us who live on it is but a mere speck) and God is also much greater than that. 🙂

    If you still have doubt ask another q, please?


  22. Ok, but He was human at one point. I thought it was simple….While He is fem and masc, He is always refered to as such in the Word, so I choose to call Him He. Unless you are speaking of the Spirit, or preincarnate Christ…or Father…to me they are still He. I guess my question is…Do you believe in a triune God, Jesus Christ being fully God, fully man…trinitarian view? Truly, I never mean to trick…only to seek. 😉


  23. Hey J,

    Sorry, i personally agree with the ‘must’ as you said it. But when He commands a thing his followers must obey or continue to suffer. Law of Consequences for our actions.

    I think it is you who laugh – not Werner – you never did get him right it seems 😉

    Robert, I hope we are coming to understand each other better – you make a lot of sense to me believe it or not? ( you’re not perfect yet – but hey who of us are?? 😉 )

    I truly don’t ‘get’ homosexuality i think there must be some sort of crossed wire thing going on there myself but hey God can sort things out and make who He likes – who am I to argue?

    As for your emotional statements:

    Let me be clear here…because I am very close to blowing my stack.

    If the men of the renaissance had adhered to your mode of thinking we would still be bleeding people to cure disease, we wouldn’t have computers or the world wide web, we wouldn’t know that the Earth DOES in fact go around the Sun.

    You know why?

    Because the thinking men who figured this stuff out would have been burned as heretics for gleaning wisdom from someplace else other than the Bible!

    bad logic – the men of the renaissance – includes all men, some of whom clearly did contain some of the kind of thinking you were railing against in what you read in GG’s comments or philosophy. some equally clearly did not. Presumably you meant the ones with all the power (over a man’s life and death even) If all the men adhered to the thinking they would not have been able to invent computers without having to be burned at the stake.

    Also bad because it implies that the bible prevents man from thinking clearly or referencing other works of literature so as to discover more of God’s little surprises 😉

    I would have put your argument more like…

    How could you blame and accuse me of being muddle headed for reading the works of men with God Given intelligence and discerning my own wisdom from them when in our recent past men who claimed scripture and the bible to be the only pure Wisdom put their fellow humans to the torch for discovering God’s Truth and revealing it to man?

    or something like that? 🙂

    No Offence to you GG! 🙂

    Peace all.


  24. Did not believe you were trying to ‘trip me up’ GG just wanted my own thought to be clear and true to you (as well as my own mind).

    Although i can not fully and perfectly ‘tie it down’ even in my own mind yet, (what man could ever hope to fix the Mystery of God? 😉 I have no problem whatsoever ‘accepting’ that God is and can be viewed as ‘tripartite’ and still be ‘One’.

    Jewish Kabbalah goes a little way to ‘explaining’ this concept better than i can recollect myself.

    Jesus was God made Flesh – His Spirit (Jesus’s personal one) I have no doubt came from and possibly (am not fully clear ‘how’, exactly) was, God. I could also see how Jesus could be ‘just’ a man who had mastered control over his personal ego and only ever did God’s will as he lived on Earth. I believe such people are able to retain their own personal ‘body’ even after earthly death. That Jesus’ spirit existed before the World and was known as The Word – i have no difficulty comprehending at all 🙂

    Any more help on where i am ‘at’? and why i said to you all i said? 🙂


  25. Forgive me J – in all that is going on while i sleep i missed your q…

    Explain why I said to GG she was ‘wrong’.

    What is it many of you guys here just don’t get regarding absolutes???

    If someone is wrong in the way they say something you seem to take it to imply NOTHING they say has any value at all??

    What bullsh#t is that??? geez – some of you really badly need a class in logic – mine is not all that perfect but i could run rings around some of the people here for their dumb illogical statements they make!!! WOW!

    I corrected what i saw as an error in the way GG was behaving – she’s human she’s allowed to make mistakes sometimes but if no-one points them out to her in a way she can understand and check for herself then she will most likely continue to make them and perhaps pervert her thoughts and beliefs if she uses such bad ‘judgement’ to form the basis of other experience in her life.

    ALL of us can stand correction where we are in error – why do you have to assume that makes anything else we say ‘wrong’ if it is mostly truth?

    I hope GG can do the same for me as i did for her – same goes for anyone who can TRUTHFULLY explain to me where i am making a BAD error as opposed to merely doing something you have yet to figure out properly for yourselves.

    Comprende? 🙂


  26. Forgive all the questions……I just don’t know you well yet and was curious. As far as my beliefs, I believe that Christ is fully man, fully God. I believe His Word is THE word and while He Himself instructs us to add, nor delete in Revelation, I find that other things confuse and Muttle MY mind and what HE is trying to convey. I did hear you yesterday….it was a horrible fleshy day, one that I definately need to move on from. But also, I don’t believe there are gray areas with God. I know some things are unexplainable, but I would never seek an atheist, agnostic or wiccan point of view to gain understanding. I pulled a Peter yesterday. I lopped off the ear and the Lord had to replace it.

    I agree with you that I need to love all people, Christ certainly did…

    Our daughter had gotten into Wiccan for awhile. There are store owners in town, nicest people in the world…but when she came out of that religion and filled us in on the rituals, spells casting, etc. it was plain to see that that religion is not from the Lord, nor did it honor Him. You may understand more or diferently about the religion and its practices, but with our experiences from our daughter, it was anything but Christlike. There are also many scriptures in Gods word that speak of witchcraft and sourcery, none of which are too pleasing to the Father. I have to go by what His word says…its my lifeline…I gain alot from your knowledge, and hope we can continue our discussions, even if we don’t always agree…your a special guy! 🙂


  27. while He Himself instructs us NOT to add, nor delete in Revelation, I find that other things confuse……

    Sorry, typo, I meant we are Not to add or delete…


  28. GG I hope to learn things from you and we can share our knowledge and increase our wisdom through each other’s understandings.

    It is important at times to read things in Context and not become confused (and also to not limit your view to tightly down to just ‘context’ – a seeming contradiction but i have reasons for my statement the way i made it – all things are ‘conected’ but not exactly ‘the same’ something i see many in blogland and the real world don’t see clearly)

    In specific case i mean Revelation, none shall add to or take away from. I read that as meaning the words in this ‘book’. While Revelation is ‘the last word’ in the Bible it is also ‘a’ book in and of itself and i believe those words refer to John’s testimony of all he saw and heard in Revelation, not as you seem to have read it the entire ‘book’ of the bible).

    We must remember the Bible we know today is a HUMAN book about God and man, in that the form it is in now was determined solely by the Roman Catholic Church faithful, and then modified by the newly formed Anglican authors who devoted their work to King James the 1st of England for His Approval.

    There are many works that could have remained with the Bible but many have been omitted because they did not fit in with CHURCH or Kingly belief.

    For example – the Septuagint is a work of 70 books ( sept meaning 7 ) but our bible now only has 56! Things have been ‘left out’ and not only these 14.

    Putting your trust in the Bible you see today means you trust those who removed divine works and decided for themselves what should be ‘in’ and what should be ‘out’.

    The words and works have truth in them – they are by no means the whole Truth nor do we interpret them fully or accurately just because we study them – we are fallible humans after all – even if some have been ‘guided’ by divine inspiration.

    As for your daughter – that explains much more to me – thank you for adding this.

    I read the scripture regarding witchcraft and ‘signs’, astrology, etc and understand much of it. Again – context can be an important consideration – see the GOOD in ALL things for all things are ultimately of God (yes – even the egoistic thought of man! )

    Be aware that evil ‘exist’s’ also on this planet in the heart of man. Trust in He who is true. The Source of ALL Wisdom.

    It was plain to see that that religion is not from the Lord, nor did it honor Him.

    Be VERY careful that your ego not deceive you GG

    Who could truly witness the carnage that Christian men have committed in the Name of Our Lord during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, all the world’s wars and now in Iraq and say with any conviction that Christianity is of Our Lord???? Or who having been raped and abused by a ‘man of God’ would feel his religion and it’s hypocritical practitioners had any truth to them?

    I am afraid you are on some quite ‘shaky’ shifting ground making a stand there, Fair one!

    If you go by what the Lord says and you feel the Brave soldiers putting their life on the line in Iraq are in any way doing God’s work, please explain to me so i can understand how the 6th Commandment – Thou shalt NOT Kill ( but i say to you Love your enemies and turn the other cheek so they might smite it also) is able to be disregarded so fully?

    And before anyone gets so full of ego they can’t hold back – NO i do NOT think any muslim fanatics who killed had any right to do so either. Just because they became murderers does not give us the same right, if we are to remain in any way worthy of the name ‘Christian’ – those who give up that right make their own choice, keeping it and not doing what the Lord said to will give you your just reward.

    We are all special in our own way GG I just think i can see from a wider perspective over a very broad range of issues, with a little clarity in some, that sometimes others miss for a time, is all. 🙂


  29. I am very familiar with the biblical history…our pastor is extrememly passionate about the proper history of the Bible, as well as a good friend of his, Marshall Foster, who advocates the Geneva Bible. It is thought to be the text which accompanied our forefathers to this country. Regardless, when I truly want to go to the meaning of a particular scripture, I generally look up the Hebrew/Greek. This can be a bit tricky, as there are sometimes two or more meanings behind one word. But, then with some Holy Spirit translation, I can usually understand what the Lord is trying to convey to me.

    I believe that even tho it is man written, it is God/Spirit inspired and not also believing in chance, think, the end result is what He wanted it to be.

    I agree that everything is allowed by God, evil and good alike, but not all brings God glory. He gives man free will, and the ablility to choose, which are not always good decisions. The war in Iraq is sad, possibly unneccessary…I don’t feel qualified to judge, but again, God has allowed it and will turn it to somehow glorify Himself.

    I make mistakes every day….I don’t believe there is a human, Christian or not who doesn’t. I thank God for His grace and mercy to me, even when I don’t extend it. One thing I am tho, is passionate about my Lord, I trust He will continue to correct, guide, forgive and love me, (all of us) until we reach our final destination. For me that is sitting at His feet, asking a bazzilion questions.

    It’s time for me to go have a chat with Him now, and get some sleep,
    Blessings to you friend! 🙂


  30. Nice to know more about you and where you ‘come’ from GG. Hope i don’t only come across as being ‘holier’ than thou 😉 lol

    As for the rest of what you wrote you put it about as good as a human could! 🙂

    I agree All things come from ‘Him’ and will also, I believe, Ultimately return there one day, but not all is ‘BENeficial’ (note to self! – and Thank YOU for the reminder on that Tam! 😉 ) It is that which is of our own or of man’s making that leads us to err, as we hopefully grow in our Wisdom.

    It is through error and correction that we learn fastest and most deeply.

    I would be curious to know your opinion on what has been omitted from the Bible as we have come to know it today. You read Greek/Hebrew-Greek?

    Peace GG, All.


  31. And to any of you who feel they can’t quite pin me down to just this box or that box and that i may have no basis for my own belief or that i seem to be this one day and that another, etc,etc….


    I consider GG as a source of knowledge and wisdom that i don’t fully ‘have’ yet. I respect her for the knowledge she has aquired and accumulated over a lifetime and for the way she behaves ( mostly 😉 ) with those she meets. I don’t dispell or discount her wisdom merely because some other dumb-asses have quite clearly made mistakes while claiming to be ‘perfect’ or something similar. I also don’t have a need to try and trip her up or show her her Faith is ‘wrong’, in toto, as some seem more than willing to try and do.

    I am just not ‘samrt’ enough for that i guess?

    I can do the same for most anyone who shows up, but if you try to convince me that black IS white or i am any ‘one’ thing, be prepared for an argument based upon solid, rational thought! And most likley fuelled by more than a bit of irrational emotion! 😉


  32. FINALLY!

    A lil bit o’ good ol’ fashioned RESPECT around here.. Gee i missed that!

    InWorship – you is if you’ve ever said you is Perfect and GG talks crap!

    But i don’t think you did that (or would dare to?) AM I right? 😉

    (I don’t really think i was referring to you ‘Sir’ (doffs hat and bows) ) 🙂


  33. “I corrected what i saw…” What you saw? Seriously, Werner is laughing at you.

    from the logician without peer.

    And the “must”, whether logical or not, is, the way I am understanding you, a must to that person. Not for you to say to another.

    Is that an axiom in your pocket?


  34. Ben,

    Aristotelean Spheres and Catholic Systematic Theology (which is famous for its abiblical content). That was Church’s problem with Copernicus. Not the bible. Plenty of pre-Jesus Jews understood and wrote about the earth being round. In this matter you are a ground floor memeber in the pyramid scheme of religious bigotry.

    But if that’s what you feel…


  35. That’s the way I saw it In Worship – can’t ( mustn’t) speak for anyone else’s paradigm 🙂

    Jason so VERY glad you saw samrt – i was badly tempted (get thee behind me Satan) to edit that when i saw it first after my posting but left it there to show to all how human i truly am – and i can be ironic as well 😉

    I did ‘see’ GG make an error i believe many of us make when trying to apply the Golden Rule – it should be so simple but it gets so screwed! 😦 I have to post something about ‘mirrors’ some time soon that could give a better perspective.

    So what makes you such an expert on Werner and what makes him laugh Mr I-thought-it-was-all-about-observer-effect’? 😉


  36. I just woke up Love, YAWN!!! Thank you friend for your comments, they started my day off right. I know you’re probably in dream world by now…so I’ll say good morning…I need to stay up later…you guys are having WAY too much fun here!


  37. My Dad had on his wall in his office one of those “Thimk” signs that were popular in the 60s and 70’s.

    For years before I was in Kindergarten (my Dad was an Elementary Principal) I would come in to his office and see the sign and tell him to fix it. Once I finally got it, I wanted it. I still laugh about it.

    And there you go observing my observations. My expertise, truly, is based on little more than a few Physics classes, a book by Sagan, and a couple by Feynman. And your elution of his “Philosophy”.

    If I am understanding you, it basically goes like this: You can know very little about something until you observe it over and over, and even then your knowledge is relative, but this supposedly statistically significant variety of relativism is unsupportable, in that, you can’t live like that. You regularuily criticise that which you have only observed once, not that there’s anything wrong with that. If you weren’t we wouldn’t be having all this fun, and that would be sad.

    The philosophy belies the behavior. And now Werner is laughing at me, if he’s right at all.


  38. “I would be curious to know your opinion on what has been omitted from the Bible as we have come to know it today. You read Greek/Hebrew-Greek?”

    Sorry, missed this in my pre-coffee hour..

    I don’t “read” Hebrew/Greek. I like to dig into it tho if something is not making sense to me and I think it is a beautiful language. I had a friend bring me a CD of Hebrew worship music from a recent trip to Israel, and being a worship gal it gets to the deepest part of me. I do know some words, like the seven used in scripture for worship, and one of the first scriptures I learned (which I will type for pronounciation, not spelling) is:

    Ee may nah tov (long o) oo mah nah heem, shevat a keem com yachad. It is Psalm 133:1.

    I think you meant that our Bible now has 66 books….

    Ok, the septuagint claims have the translation of this letter between 285-246BC. I haven’t studied this for a long time, so I have read several old notes and commentaries and combining to try and answer your question…please bear with me… 😉

    During that time Ptolemy II Philadelphus was reignng in Alexandria, Egypt. His librarian, supposedly someone named Demetrius persuaded him to get a copy of the Hebrew scriptures and Genesis thru Deuteronomy were translated to Greek for the ALexandrian Jews. Scholars then claim that Jesus and His apostles used this Greek Bible instead of the preserved Hebrew. Then there is the letter of Aristeas, where all other “historical evidence” refers to this one letter. The Septuagint is claiemd to exist at the time of Jesus and the apostles, and that they quoted from it instead of the preserved Hebrew text, but I don’t believe it to be true. If you want I can give you my reasoning that I learned about the Letter of Aristeas, but to me it is a hoax and the really doesn’t fit the time period that claims have been made to when it was written.

    There is also some New Testament evidence, as there are scholars that claim Christ and his apostles used it preferring it above the preserved Hebrew, but if you look at Matthew 5:18, it says “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. A jot is a Hebrew letter and the tittle is a small mark to distinguish between Hebrew letters. If Jesus had used a Greek version, He would not have said, jot or tittle, He was using Hebrew.

    Another example is found in Luke 24:44. “And He said to them, “These are the words which I speak unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me.”

    The Hebrews are the ones who divide their Bible into three parts: the Law, the Prophets and the Writings. The Septuagint had no divisions…Jesus is referring again to the Hebrew.

    The Catholics are the ones needing the Setuagint, it is where they got the Apocrypha and if it goes so does the Apocrypha.

    The Setuagint is pretty much a hoax as far as I’m concerned. It was not written before Christ, and not used by Him or His apostles. It is the only set of manuscripts to include the Apocrypha mixed in with the books of the Bible, so the Roman Catholics can justify them in their Bibles.

    I hope that helps a little, it was fun going through stuff again….

    Smiles 🙂


  39. Just a side note and a small defense of the doctrine of trinity. The Yachad at the end of 133:1, usually translated as unity, is used substantivally in Deut 6:4, “the Lord your God is one.” “one” is echud. But in very a z near context, God when speaking of himself he doesn’t use enachenu, “we”, he uses enyi “I” singular.


  40. Hiya LWBUT,

    I just read your entry on 10/25 at 1039 am, and as always, I really want to help. I;’m a helper, you know.


    “Context and not become confused (and also to not limit your view to tightly down to just ‘context’ – a seeming contradiction but i have reasons for my statement the way i made it – all things are ‘conected’ but not exactly ‘the same’ something i see many in blogland and the real world don’t see clearly”

    Very pretty, and unsupportable. If anyone else thought like that you’d take em down. Nobody lives like this.


    I agree with the following…

    “In specific case i mean Revelation, none shall add to or take away from. I read that as meaning the words in this ‘book’. While Revelation is ‘the last word’ in the Bible it is also ‘a’ book in and of itself and i believe those words refer to John’s testimony of all he saw and heard in Revelation, not as you seem to have read it the entire ‘book’ of the bible).”

    It fits the treaties of the time and it is also in Deuteronomy and Proverbs.

    *sigh* therenowthatwasntsohardwasit…

    “We must remember the Bible we know today is a HUMAN book about God and man,”

    presupposition of a guy with a very small god. Certainly not even remotely the way Christ saw the Law, Prophets and Writings.. awww, he was just some guy, though.

    “in that the form it is in now was determined solely by the Roman Catholic Church faithful, and then modified by the newly formed Anglican authors who devoted their work to King James the 1st of England for His Approval.”

    This is the one that really got me. This statement is so bereft of historicity that it has black helicopters flying over it. Wow, man, take off the tin foil hat. Read Metzger’s “The Canon of the New Testament” and Kurt and Barbara Aland’s “The Text of the New Testament” to be debriefed of your DaVinci code brain cloud. As well, look into the manuscripts and and translators used in making the ESV or the NASB 1995. Couldn’t be more off the mark even if you tried, lwbut.

    “There are many works that could have remained with the Bible but many have been omitted because they did not fit in with CHURCH or Kingly belief.”

    see above

    “For example – the Septuagint is a work of 70 books ( sept meaning 7 ) but our bible now only has 56! Things have been ‘left out’ and not only these 14.”

    This cannot be your first fer instance in defense of those two paragraphs. LXX refers to the number of translators, not books. There is no fixed number of books in the LXX, there are several codexes which contain a variety of OT apocrypha, many of which the Vulgate omits. As well, Jerome labeled the OT apocrypha the “deuterocanonicals” for many reasons, all of which came long before Constantine or Jesus. There is a significant amount of documentation on which books were considered to be God’s word and which was considered to be vaulable history by second temple Jews.

    “Putting your trust in the Bible you see today means you trust those who removed divine works and decided for themselves what should be ‘in’ and what should be ‘out’.”

    Even if your picture of the creepy canon cabal had a shred of historical evidence, I’m not sure why listening to your philosophizing should convince us of anything different. Foucault is laughing along with Werner.

    “see the GOOD in ALL things for all things are ultimately of God”

    Where do you get this? And what, if anything, does it mean with regards to worshiping the creature and not the Creator?

    “Be aware that evil ‘exist’s’ also on this planet in the heart of man. Trust in He who is true. The Source of ALL Wisdom.”

    This doesn’t mean anything! If evil exists in your heart, then how does your saying it become helpful?

    “It was plain to see that that religion is not from the Lord, nor did it honor Him.”

    Ohhh, cut it out. Where do you get that? Religion? Have you read 1 Corinthians? Have you read the Pentateuch? I know “religion” is such a scary word but how are your untethered platitudes different than “religion”?

    “Who could truly witness the carnage that Christian men have committed in the Name of Our Lord during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, all the world’s wars and now in Iraq and say with any conviction that Christianity is of Our Lord???? Or who having been raped and abused by a ‘man of God’ would feel his religion and it’s hypocritical practitioners had any truth to them?”

    Highly selective, A fine patina off the cauldron of history. Picking the Humanist marshmallows out of the box of murderous cereal. Start applying your appropriate judgment to those who have pursued a “religion” of thought, logic, and philosophy, like yourself, Let your ego not deceive, indeed.

    “I am afraid you are on some quite ’shaky’ shifting ground making a stand there, Fair one!”

    oh, man.

    “If you go by what the Lord says and you feel the Brave soldiers putting their life on the line in Iraq are in any way doing God’s work, please explain to me so i can understand how the 6th Commandment – Thou shalt NOT Kill ( but i say to you Love your enemies and turn the other cheek so they might smite it also) is able to be disregarded so fully?”

    one more time for those in the balcony. The stem used here is murder, not kill. It does not transfer to those who kill out of self defense, nor war. Premeditated murder and manslaughter out of anger. You can chose to use it the way you want to but then it’s your rule, not the sixth commandment. And don’t tell me that NOW your concerned about disregarding God’s commands. Hopefully such a concern holds up. But I doubt it.

    This was a tough one, but your response was so dependent on confident ahistoricity…well somebody’s gotta call you on it. Just a thought: Consider softening your judgmentalism of others’ egos, it loses its force in changing the subject, and you got it goin on as much as anybody.

    I do appreciate you saying what you mean, though. It’s easier to understand what you are really saying.


  41. Morning ALL 🙂

    Some very good comments here this am for me, mixed in with the usual misunderstood and illogical crap too, of course – just like life i guess. 😉

    First up, before the hackles rise (i know – too late lol) I need to tell you all something and hope you won’t think any less of me or my logic or my rants because of it – how could some of you think any less? (of me! that is – gee, words can come out looking so WRONG sometimes)?

    I have been studying my bibles on and off now for at least 17 years trying to get some things sorted out for my own benefit.

    I consider myself (ego) VERY good with simple arithmetic and generally like maths although the equations used in defence of higher dimensions and quantum physics do get away from me a lot 🙂

    So… ( deep breath ) I was quite simply gobsmacked today when GG quite correctly pointed out that there are currently 66 books in the Holy Bible!!!

    Why gobsmacked? Surely, i knew this already, right?

    I am after all an admittedlty self-professed reader and studier of said Bible’s teachings and i have read some but by no means all works concerning it. I have on numerous previous occasions had cause to ‘count’ the books it contains and KNOW that there are 39 books in the OT and some twenty something? Yeah! 7! 27 Books in the New T. Hell i’ve done that as recently as this MONTH for crying out loud!!!

    Problem? I have never once before read or realised or added up successfully 39 and 27 and come up with the correct answer of SIXTY six!
    Not once – ever – NEVER!!!!

    That scares me a little.

    As you have seen – I got 56! That was not a typo as clearly my subtraction of it from 70 resulting in the similar non-typographic 14 result demonstrates!

    I am as aware as anyone ( probably statistically more aware truth be told) of the trap of adding something with a 9 at the end to come up with an answer quickly a whole 10 digits short of what the true answer should be but i fell for it time and time again here – 50 something books in the bible – believed on that for over a decade now!

    Jason – you made several good points and i do thank you for your attempts to both understand where i am coming from with my Philosphy and those to correct my sometimes fuzzy (or sometimes as above just damn wrong) thinking, but let me tell you fella you have just stuffed some of it up completely – but that should come as no great surprise to you i am thinking? 😉 I will address you more later.

    GG – what can i say? i said before that i hope you can do the same for me some day (correct error) and you do it the very next one???? Be careful what you wish for! 🙂

    I read all you said and thank you for adding some to my current knowledge but i can see some very serious logical flaws in what you wrote too, so you don’t get off scott free, my dear 🙂

    I will address yours and Jason’s major stuff ups (well major in the terms of of the ones you show me each day anyway! 😉 ) later on (this post will be massive otherwise) and try to be a little forgiving of the minor ones and hope everyone can do the same for me?? 🙂 I am off to re-evaluate some things into my now bigger world view and have a good strong cup of Tea…

    SIXTY six….. where have i heard that number before……?????? 🙂


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