Flower of the Day – October 1 – Wild Poppy

I’m dedicating this week to my Poppies! 🙂

Day 2.

Today i wanted to show one of my 2 basic Poppy types, from which a myriad of combinations has evolved that are constantly surprising and amazing me with their beauty and the incredible variety of ways Nature can reproduce the one thing with differing results.

I refer to it as a ‘wild’ poppy as it was not planted by anyone in the house to my knowledge. I have not been able to conclusively identify the species although it resembles a ‘long head’ poppy (Papaver dubium) .It has a four separate ‘flat’ petal arrangement of the flower and was initially always and only this orange colour.

(Click on the pics to open in a new window and click again to see full size detail) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - Wild Poppy 1

lovewillbringustogether - Wild Poppy 2

link to:

Cee’s Flower of the Day – October 1, 2018 – Pink Dahlias




    • These ones are very pale (Orange even) compared to my ‘other’ type which are coming up next and are the majority of my poppy plants. I’m sure you will be more familiar with those! 🙂

      I’m not sure if these even are poppies as i can not find an example on Google? But they seem closest (petals, pods, leaves) to papaver dubium ( dubium = dubious = doubtful?? 😉 ) They look a little close to the ‘Californian’ or ‘Icelandic’ poppies, but these have a definite ‘gap’ between the petals on all flowers.


  1. The poppy is the state flower where I live, and as a child I recall, we would pick them, put them under our chins, and if our chin glowed orange, it meant we liked butter. I have never seen a poppy such as you have here, and yes, it must be a mutation. Is that the right word?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your State Flower?? Well Done! How cool is that? 🙂

      Yep – mutation is the right word – it can also be said to be a hybrid though which sounds nicer! 😉 Basically one plants genes have crossed or mixed with another plant and mutated into another form of the original one(s). I currently have over a dozen different variations from my 2 basic types flowering! The Best is yet to come! 🙂

      As for the under the chin – we used to do that as kids but poppies were rare where we grew up and used…. ‘buttercups’ for the same result! (who Doesn’t like butter??) 😉

      Ahhh… just thought – you have ‘Californian’ poppies i suppose? Are they all yellow??


    • I think your orange ones are known as Californian poppies! I’ve never bought a multi coloured pack – only had one type given to me by a neighbour and one wild type that just ‘grew’. 🙂

      My poppies sadly only usually last one day, two at most, before being replaced next morning by a new bunch. 🙂


    • I can easily believe it… Our state has big penalties for anyone picking local wildflowers… i’m not sure about the ones classified as ‘weeds’ though as some quite beautiful flowering plants are in Aus!

      If they named the flower after an entire state they probably would not want people picking them. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi again, I decided to research the question and here is the answer I found:

    Now here is the interesting part: as a native Californian, I grew up believing it is illegal to PICK a California Poppy. As that turns out, it’s not entirely true! You can pick, bend, eat or smoke a Poppy as long it is not on state property. However, if a Poppy or any other flower is on School, Park, a median or even outside a courthouse, DO NOT pick or hurt the flower. Harming the flower or plant life could be considered a misdemeanor offense, and you can be fined up to $1000 and as many as six months in jail. That’s real Flower Power!

    Liked by 1 person

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