A Taste of Things to Come: Super Blue Blood Moon

My home city of Perth, Western Australia was definitely one of the best places in the world to view the Super, blue, blood moon last night and i took loads of snaps! 🙂

Just to whet your appetites here’s a small sample…

(Click on Pics to open a new window and enlarge for detail)

Moonrise 7:15 pm

The air temperature/density variations produce a marked effect on the spherical disk of the full (super) moon

Almost full into shadow of the earth

A ‘full’ Blood Orange

Starting to come out ‘the other side’

In black and white – but still a colour photo (had to adjust camera exposure settings for brighter moon)

And fully out – unscathed!

Better shots coming soon!



    • I had just got my new Nikon for Christmas the month before those shots were taken and i was feeling pleased with myself at the time.

      Looking at them now they don’t measure up. I got better! But they did show the event pretty well ( I screwed up slightly and was indoors for the Full coverage came out as it was waxing and took the rest of the shots.)


        • Well, you still have to have “the eye”. You have to be able to decide a topic, have a subject and the focus. And, then there is desire…the drive & want to capture a moment in time.

          Anybody can press a button & snap a photo, esp. during the days of the Kodak Instamatics & Polaroids. It takes vision & purpose to get good shots.

          Oh, and…a really good camera helps. 😉😎

          You mentioned, somewhere, that you have telescopes? Love to watch the sky as well as Moon?

          Liked by 1 person

        • I do! But not as much as i used to. These days you get amazingly detailed images on your computer of the galaxies, nebulae, binary stars and planets that you can get through the telescopes that i can afford! 😉

          I do check out the planets as they come around though – at least the 5 major ones. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

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