More? Or Less?

Most of us can probably agree that there are many things in our lives we could do with more of, and many we could do with less of. (This can especially apply to our inner thoughts.)

Life should be about achieving the right balance between them in order for us to not have to have too much stress which can result in us becoming more susceptible to fatigue, illness and disease. (Not to mention feeling permanently grumpy!) 😉

It can be a good idea to write down all the things we want more of (that will be to our ultimate good and by that i do not mean Chocolate cake or iced doughnuts!), as well as the things we want less of – focussing more on the more part.

Refer to this list regularly and modify it as you achieve your ideal balances.

Here’s just one example… you may want to visit the website for more good ideas on how life can be made better than it may be now. 🙂




I welcome comments - share the love!