FOTD – July 2 – ‘Blue’ Rose (Tea Rose ‘Blue Moon’ Hybrid)

It is now well into Winter Down Under and at the time i would normally be looking to cut back the dead stems on my roses to encourage the Spring blooms, I have this solitary flower opening out in full display in the not-so-warm Winter sunshine. 🙂

(Click on a pic to open in a new window and click again to see enlarged detail!) 🙂lovewillbringustogether - Blue Rose2The bud’s outer casing petals were the deepest crimson red before opening out. The petals gradually take on a pink, then pale blue hue. 🙂

lovewillbringustogether - Blue Rose1Opening… and ‘cooling’.

lovewillbringustogether - Blue Rose3Setting the camera’s white balance to ‘Incandescant’ produced this deep blue shade!


link to:

Cee’s Flower of the Day – July 2, 2019 – Clematis




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