Flower of the Day – September 12, 2017 – Nasturtium – and a Bumble Bee’s Bum!

Cee and i must be on the same wavelength today as i just took this pic in my garden! 🙂

Another one of the flowers that spring up every year in my garden without any need for seeding or tending, that give a beautiful display all by themselves.

I caught Mr Bee just as he was exiting with a load of pollen on his legs!

(click once on pic to enlarge, click again to see full size.)
BUM ble Bee

Cee’s Flower of the Day – September 12, 2017 – Two Photos today



  1. The bees do too! 😉 The Nasturtium colours come in half of the rainbow, from the green of their leaves through yellow and bright, bright red, with shades of peach and orange and some very, very pale pink/yellow so as to be cream coloured!



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