Just to let you all know….

I have managed to ‘fix’ my computer ( all it needed was threateing with a large Axe!) 😉 and i NOW have my old chat room up and running..

As with most things there are some good balanced with some not so good…

Anyone is free to pop by and chat to whomsoever is in the room anytime at all just by clicking on the ‘old’ chat for now – i am still fine tuning the New ‘Test’ Chat ( will have ‘improvements!)

The not so good??

I am learning that ‘chat’ has a way of running away with me time-wise and so i am going to limit myself to one day a week when i chat there – most likely being a Monday evening, US time ( when i may be on for a few hours for folk from diff time-zones to drop by and say Howdy!) 🙂


  1. *sniff*sniff*

    I am SOOOO looking forward to Monday night! 😉

    I totally hear ya though on setting the boundaries. I slacked this week b/c the kiddos were all sick so I was forced to sit around (holding them…that’s all they wanted 😀 ) so I spent a lot of time online. It was draining actually.

    Proud of you!!! Love you!!!


  2. I’ve missed you. Hope all’s well. I know boundaries are good and all, but when they encroach upon my life, I’m a bit resentful. I’ll get over it though…I know you’ve made the better choice.

    ♥ U


  3. Hello Love,

    This is the first time I am actually visiting your site (gasp!). 🙂 I have just known you through the fun comments you make on other people’s sites so I wasn’t even going to dare to attempt any answers. It was amusing to say the least.

    I popped over from ‘the grit’ because you had mentioned if anyone was wondering where you had been… I was one of those people. It is nice to see you back.

    It is kind of rude of me but I had a favor to ask of you in our first ‘face to face’, but here goes – if you can; If not that is totally cool and I understand. Would you mind courtesy copying me the email dialog that you have with Alece about putting a chat site on the blog?

    Blessings to you brother Love!


  4. boundaries schmoundaries!

    i’ll be here tonight (Loves morning)

    and if i have to talk only to myself…i am prepared to do that. it wouldn’t be the first time 😕


  5. That was a very fun chat we had. I am looking forward to next Monday.

    It amazes me that people living Connecticut, North Dakota, Oregon and Australia can just sit down and have a chat together.


I welcome comments - share the love!