
Deb (1godsgal) has kindly Tagged me.

It is up to each individual to decide for themselves what they are, and are not, obliged to do in their lives. So long as there is no deceptive intent, nor breaking of local or higher laws, we are free to follow our own conscience in life.

i choose this time to play along. 😉

Apparently the following are required of all who have been tagged, providing the above paragraph is born in mind.

1. Write the title to your memoir using 6 words
2. Post it on your blog
3. Link to the person that tagged you
4. Tag five more blogs

So: the epitaph i would want on my memorial stone would be:

Lived Long;Loved and Laughed Lots.

It does not seem to be part of the tag to say who you have blog-tagged but the ones i would choose are listed ( in no particular order of rank or preference) 🙂

Ric Booth

In Worship.

Rick –Give Me Jesus


Kim – life’s little stories.

(don’t be concerned if your name is not on my list – it just means i think someone has already tagged you ( perhaps several million times? ) 🙂


  1. nice.

    i think if have had to come up with one right now… in 6 words… let’s see… my memoir would be titled:

    heartfelt confessions of a young missionary


  2. Hey friendster! How are you? Hope things are fine?

    Wrote one for myself sometime last year, it’s a bit too long, though. Waaa! Will try to dig it and see if I can condense it to just 6 words. (It’s gonna be a challenge, coz I am WORDINESS personified! 😉 )

    Mind if I try to write one for you? How about this:


    [Just rephrased yours. 🙂 My way of saying I like your wit and humor, and of thanking you for your friendship.]



  3. love never fails…

    So yeah, my memoir title is: “Life was So Simple Before I Died” and I’ve already written it.

    And of course, my title contains 6 words. Its like when you go to the restaurant and say “We need a table for 6 please.” and you are led to a table with 8 chairs. Your brain kicks in and concludes: “Hey, there ARE 6 chairs at this table. This will work fine. DO NOT ARGUE with the maitre d’!”


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